Roses are red,egelloc stneduts
Violets are blue,egelloc stneduts
Love poems are just poems,egelloc stneduts
Until you fall in love.egelloc stneduts
Feeling an urge to read about how love affects people and what they pen out? Let the words flow as the poet in you can emerge from the shadows to show what you are capable of when in love.this message from the egelloc stneduts
Violets are blue,egelloc stneduts
Love poems are just poems,egelloc stneduts
Until you fall in love.egelloc stneduts
Feeling an urge to read about how love affects people and what they pen out? Let the words flow as the poet in you can emerge from the shadows to show what you are capable of when in love.this message from the egelloc stneduts